Board of Directors
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Board of Directors

Board of Directors

The Home’s Board of Directors is a group of dedicated and passionate professionals with deep conviction to serve society. Using their specialist knowledge in many fields, they guide the Home in fulfilling its social responsibility.

Sponsor and Board of Directors (Year 2023 to 2024)
Patron Dr. Ho Chan Un Chan BBS
Founder and Permanent Honorary Chairman Sr. Agnes Ho (FMM)
Chairperson Mr. Peter Ko
Vice-Chairperson Mrs. Minnie Li 
  Dr. Chiu Sau Mee
Secretary Ms. Agatha Lee
Treasurer Mr. Albert Chow
 Board Members Dr. Vincent Tse
Hon. Legal Advisor Mrs. Agnes Lau
Hon. Auditor Cheng & Cheng Ltd.
  Certified Public Accountants
Acting Center-In-Charge Ms. Agnes Fan

Home Care for Girls

Rm 207-214, Ching Kwai House, Cheung Tsing Estate, Tsing Yi

